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FIND: Using Science to Coach Caregivers

Dr. Holly Schindler of the University of Washington speaks about her work with Fathers and the FIND program

The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative hosts two great talks by our own Dr. Phil Fisher and Dr. Melanie Berry

Interventions for Children in Foster Care, Adopted Children and Other Children Who Have Experienced Abuse and Neglect, Dr. Phil Fisher

Interventions for High Risk Children: The Bridge from Science to Action, Dr. Melanie Berry

A talk by Dr. Phil Fisher at UMass Amherst, “Helping Adoptive Families Overcome Early Adversities.” Video by Rudd Adoption Research Program

Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) Program in Denver

Dr. Phil Fisher speaking at the Picower New Insight Symposium about community-based intervention research and its potential to advance knowledge about early life stress and recovery

Dr. Phil Fisher speaks about the Frontiers of Innovation approach to investigating new, innovative ideas for programs that support kids and families

Dr. Melanie Berry speaks on the topics of Brain Development, Parenting, and Early Stress at Communities where Children Thrive

Smart Policy-Campbell Lecture Series, Fall 2011 featuring Dr. Phil Fisher, “Using the Science of Early Brain Development to Inform Child Welfare System Programs and Practice”

A video from the archives…a 2010 talk by Dr. Phil Fisher on Early Adversity brought to you by University of Washington TV.