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Flannery, J.E., Stagaman, K., Burns, A.R., Hickey, R.J., Roos, L.R., Giuliano, R.J., Fisher, P.A., Sharpton, T.J. (2019). Gut feelings begin in childhood: how the gut metagenome links to early environment, caregiving, and behavior. mBio.

Horn, S., Fisher, P., Pfeifer, J., Allen, N., & Berkman, E. (2020). Levers and Barriers to Success in the Use of Translational Neuroscience for the Prevention and Treatment of Mental Health and Promotion of Well-Being Across the Lifespan. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129(1), 38-48.

Blaisdell, K., Imhof, A., & Fisher, P. (2019). Early adversity, child neglect, and stress neurobiology: From observations of impact to empirical evaluations of mechanisms. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 78, 139-146.

Depasquale, C., Olson, A., Desjardins, C., Bruce, J., Pears, K., Gunnar, M., & Fisher, P. (2019). Examining the psychometric properties of the parent daily report—toddler version (PDR-T). International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(5), 447-456.

Ek, A., Chamberlain, K., Sorjonen, K., Hammar, U., Malek, M., Sandvik, P., Somaraki, M., Nyman, J., Lindberg, L., Nordin, K., Ejderhamn, J., Fisher, P., Chamberlain, P., Marcus, C., & Nowicka, P. (2019). A Parent Treatment Program for Preschoolers With Obesity: A Randomized Control Program. Pediatrics, 144(2).

Flannery, J., Callaghan, B., Sharpton, T., Fisher, P., & Pfeifer, J. (2019). Is adolescence the missing developmental link in Microbiome–Gut–Brain axis communication? Developmental Psychobiology, 61(5), 783-795.

Giuliani, N., Beauchamp, K., Noll, L., & Fisher, P. (2019). A Preliminary Study Investigating Maternal Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying a Child-Supportive Parenting Intervention. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, 16.

Hamby, C., Lunkenheimer, E., & Fisher, P. (2019). The potential of video feedback interventions to improve parent-child interaction skills in parents with intellectual disability. Children and Youth Services Review 105, 104395.

Horn, S., Leve, L., Levitt, P., & Fisher, P. (2019). Childhood adversity, mental health, and oxidative stress: A pilot study. PloS One 14:4, E0215085.

Horn, S., Leve, L., Levitt, P., & Fisher, P. (2019). Oxidative stress in the stress-health relationship: A pilot study in high-risk adolescents. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107(SS), 47-47.

Leve, L. D., Fisher, P. A., & Kintner, C. (2019). Foster families. In B. H. Fiese, M. Celano, K. Deater-Deckard, E. N. Jouriles, & M. A. Whisman (Eds.), APA handbooks in psychology® series. APA handbook of contemporary family psychology: Foundations, methods, and contemporary issues across the lifespan (pp. 761-777). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

Lipscomb, Hatfield, B., Lewis, H., Goka-Dubose, E., & Fisher, P. (2019). Strengthening children's roots of resilience: Trauma-responsive early learning. Children and Youth Services Review, 107.

Olson, A., Kim, H., Bruce, J., & Fisher, P. (2019). General Cognitive Ability as an Early Indicator of Problem Behavior Among Toddlers in Foster Care. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 40(2), 144-149.

Perry, N., Depasquale, C., Fisher, P., & Gunnar, M. (2019). Comparison of Institutionally Reared and Maltreated Children on Socioemotional and Biological Functioning. Child Maltreatment, 24(3), 235-243.

Schindler, H., Mccoy, D., Fisher, P., & Shonkoff, J. (2019). A historical look at theories of change in early childhood education research. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 48, 146-154.

Balldin, S., Fisher, P., & Wirtberg, I. (2018). Video Feedback Intervention With Children: A Systematic Review. Research on Social Work Practice 28:6, 682-695.

Beauchamp, K., Shaffer, K., Fisher, P., & Berkman, E. (2019). Brief, computerized inhibitory control training to leverage adolescent neural plasticity: A pilot effectiveness trial. Applied Neuropsychology: Child , 8(4), 366-382.

Graham, A., Pears, K., Kim, H., Bruce, J., & Fisher, P. (2018). Effects of a school readiness intervention on hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis functioning and school adjustment for children in foster care. Development and Psychopathology, 30(2), 651-664.

Horn, S., Long, M., Nelson, B., Allen, N., Fisher, P., & Byrne, M. (2018). Replication and reproducibility issues in the relationship between C-reactive protein and depression: A systematic review and focused meta-analysis. Brain Behavior and Immunity, 73, 85-114.

Horn, S., Roos, L., Berkman, E., & Fisher, P. (2018). Neuroendocrine and immune pathways from pre- and perinatal stress to substance abuse. Neurobiology of Stress, 9, 140-150.

Horn, S.R., Roos, L.E., Beauchamp, K.G., Flannery, J.E., & Fisher, P.A. (2018). Polyvictimization and externalizing symptoms in foster care children: The moderating role of executive function. Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 19:3, 307-324.

Lipscomb, S., Becker, D., Laurent, H., Neiderhiser, J., Shaw, D., Natsuaki, M., Leve, L. (2018). Examining morning HPA axis activity as a moderator of hostile, over‐reactive parenting on children's skills for success in school. Infant and Child Development, 27(4).

McDermott, J., Pears, K., Bruce, J., Kim, H., Roos, L., Yoerger, K., & Fisher, P. (2018). Improving kindergarten readiness in children with developmental disabilities: Changes in neural correlates of response monitoring. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 7(3), 187-199.

Noll, L., Giuliani, N., Beauchamp, K. G., & Fisher, P.A. (2018). Behavioral and neural correlates of Parenting self-evaluation in mothers of young children. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. Advanced online publication.

Op de Macks, Z. Flannery, J.E., Peake, S., Flournoy, J., Mobasser, A., Alberti, S., Fisher, P.A., & Pfeifer, J. H., (2018). Novel insights from the Yellow Light Game: Safe and risky decisions differentially impact adolescent outcome-related brain function. Neuroimage.

Pears, K.C., Carpenter L., Kim H.K., Peterson E., Fisher P.A. (2018) The Kids in Transition to School Program. In: Mashburn A., LoCasale-Crouch J., Pears K. (eds) Kindergarten Transition and Readiness. Springer, Cham.

Roos, L., Horn, S., Berkman, E., Pears, K., & Fisher, P. (2018). Leveraging translational neuroscience to inform early intervention and addiction prevention for children exposed to early life stress. Neurobiology of Stress, 9, 231-240.

Roos, L., Beauchamp, K., Giuliano, R., Zalewski, M., Kim, H., & Fisher, P. (2018). Children's biological responsivity to acute stress predicts concurrent cognitive performance. Stress (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 21(4), 347-354.

Aguiar, N., Mottweilier, C., Taylor, M., & Fisher, P. (2017). The Imaginary Companions Created by Children Who Have Lived in Foster Care. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 36(4), 340-355.

Fisher, P. A. (2017). Commentary: Is there a there there in hair? A reflection on child maltreatment and hair cortisol concentrations in White et al. (2017). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58, 1008-1010.

Fisher, P. A. & Skowron, E. A. (2017). Social-learning parenting intervention research in the era of translational neuroscience. Current Opinion in Psychology on Parenting, 15, 168-173.

Flannery, J. E., Beauchamp, K. G. & Fisher, P. A. (2017). The role of social buffering on chronic disruptions in quality of care: Evidence from caregiver-based interventions for foster children. Social Neuroscience, 12, 86-91.

Graham, A. M., Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Bruce, J. & Fisher, P. A. (2017). Effects of a school readiness intervention on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning and school adjustment for children in foster care. Development and Psychopathology. Advance online publication.

Jankowski, K., Bruce, J., Beauchamp, K., Roos, L., Moore, W., & Fisher, P. (2017). Preliminary evidence of the impact of early childhood maltreatment and a preventive intervention on neural patterns of response inhibition in early adolescence. Developmental Science, 20(4).

Lynch, F., Dickerson, J., Pears, K., & Fisher, P. (2017). Cost effectiveness of a school readiness intervention for foster children. Children and Youth Services Review, 81, 63-71.

McDermott, J. M., Pears, K. C., Bruce, J. Kim, H. K., Roos, L., Yoerger, K. L. & Fisher, P. A. (2017). Improving kindergarten readiness in children with developmental disabilities: Changes in neural correlates of response monitoring. Applied Neuropsychology. Advance online publication.

Roos, L., Beauchamp, K., Pears, K., Fisher, P., Berkman, E., & Capaldi, D. (2017). Effects of prenatal substance exposure on neurocognitive correlates of inhibitory control success and failure. Applied Neuropsychology. Child, 6(4), 269-280.

Roos, L., Giuliano, R., Beauchamp, K., Gunnar, M., Amidon, B., & Fisher, P. (2017). Validation of autonomic and endocrine reactivity to a laboratory stressor in young children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77, 51-55.

Roos, L. E., Knight, E. L., Beauchamp, K. G., Berkman, E. T., Faraday, K., Hyslop, K., & Fisher, P.A. (2017). Acute stress impairs inhibitory control based on individual differences in parasympathetic nervous system activity. Biological Psychology, 125, 58-63.

Roos, L. E., Knight, E. L., Beauchamp, K. G., Giuliano, R. J., Fisher, P. A. & Berkman, E. T. (2017). Conceptual precision is key in acute stress research: A commentary on Shields et al., 2016. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 83, 140-144.

Schindler, H. S., Fisher, P. A., & Shonkoff, J. P. (2017). From innovation to impact at scale: Lessons learned from a cluster of research–community partnerships. Child Development. 88(5), 1435-1446

Van Scoyoc, A., Harrison, J. A. & Fisher, P. A. (2017). Beliefs and behaviors of pregnant women with addictions awaiting treatment initiation. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 34, 65-79.

Balldin, S., Fisher, P. A. & Wirtberg, I. (2016). Video feedback intervention with children: A systematic review. Research on Social Work Practice. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.1177/1049731516671809

Clark, C. A., Skowron, E. A., Giuliano, R. J., & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Intersections between cardiac physiology, emotion regulation and interpersonal warmth in preschoolers: Implications for drug abuse prevention from translational neuroscience. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 163, S60-S69. PMC4911543

Eli, K., Howell, K. R., Fisher, P. A., & Nowicka, P. (2016). A question of balance: Explaining differences between parental and grandparental perspectives on preschoolers’ feeding and physical activity. Social Science and Medicine, 154, 28-35. NIHMSID850863

Fisher, P. A. (2016). Translational neuroscience as a tool for intervention development in the context of high-adversity families. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 153, 111-125. PMC5338687

Fisher, P. A., Frenkel, T. I., Noll, L. K., Berry, M., & Yockelson, M. (2016). Promoting healthy child development via a two-generation translational neuroscience framework: The Filming Interactions to Nurture Development video coaching program. Child Development Perspectives, 4, 251-256. NIHMSID846643

Fisher, P. A., Leve, L. D., Delker, B., Roos, L., Cooper, B. (2016). A developmental psychopathology perspective on foster care research. In D. Cicchetti (Ed.), Developmental Psychopathology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/9781119125556.devpsy312

Graham, A. M., Pfeifer, J. H., Fisher, P. A., Carpenter, S., & Fair, D. A. (2016). Early life stress is associated with default system integrity and emotionality during infancy. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56(11), 1212-1222. PMC4580514

Jankowski, K. F., Bruce, J., Beauchamp, K. G., Roos, L. E., Moore, W. E. III, & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Preliminary evidence of the impact of early childhood maltreatment and a preventive intervention on neural patterns of response inhibition in early adolescence. Developmental Science. Advance online publication. PMC5055407

Nese, R. N. T., Anderson, C. A., Ruppert, T., & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Effects of a strength-based parent training program during child welfare. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 71, 266-276. NIHMSID847010

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Decreasing risk factors for later alcohol use and antisocial behaviors in children in foster care by increasing early promotive factors. Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 156-165. PMC4857707

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Fisher, P. A., & Yoerger, K. (2016). Increasing pre-kindergarten early literacy skills in children with developmental disabilities and delays. Journal of School Psychology, 57, 15-27.

Roos, L. E., Beauchamp, K. G., Pears, K. P., Fisher, P. A., Berkman, E. T. & Capaldi, D. (2016). Effects of prenatal substance exposure on neurocognitive correlates of inhibitory control success and failure. Applied Neuropsychology: Child. Advance online publication. PCM5136349

Roos, L. E., Fisher, P. A., Shaw, D. S., Kim, H. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reiss, D., Natsuaki, M. N., & Leve, L. D. (2016). Inherited and environmental influences on a childhood co-occuring symptom phenotype: Evidence from an adoption study. Developmental Psychopathology, 28(1), 111-125. PMC4598247

Roos, L. E., Giuliano, R. J., Beachamp, K. G., Gunnar, M., Amidon, B., & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Validation of autonomic and endocrine reactivity to a laboratory stressor in young children. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 77, 51-55. PMC5391174.

Roos, L. E., Kim, H. K., Schnabler, S., Fisher, P. A. (2016). Individual differences in executive function performance in a CPS-involved sample of young children: sociodemographic, cumulative risk, and specific adversity influences. Children and Youths Services Review, 71, 184-190.

Tooley, U. A., Makhoul, Z. and Fisher, P. A. (2016). Nutritional status of foster children in the U.S.: Implications for cognitive and behavioral development. Children and Youth Services Review, 70, 369-374. NIHMSID823838

Ek, A., Chamberlain, K. L., Ejderhamn, J., Fisher, P. A., Marcus, C., Chamberlain, P., & Nowicka, P. (2015). The More and Less Study: A randomized controlled trial testing different approaches to treat obesity in preschoolers. BMC Public Health, 15, 735-751. PMC4522072

Fisher, P. A. (2015). Review: Adoption, fostering, and the needs of looked-after and adopted children. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 20, 5-12. PMC4321746

Fisher, P. A. & Berkman, E. T. (2015). Designing interventions informed by scientific knowledge about effects of early adversity: A translational neuroscience agenda for next-generation addictions research. Current Addiction Reports, 2, 347-353. PMC4789282

Graham, A. M., Pfeifer, J. H., Fisher, P. A., Lin, W., Gao, W., & Fair, F. A. (2015). The potential of infant fMRI research and the study of early life stress as a promising exemplar. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 12, 12-39. PMC4385461

Laurent, H. K., Gilliam, K. S., Wright, D. B., & Fisher, P. A. (2015). Child anxiety symptoms related to longitudinal cortisol trajectories and acute stress responses: Evidence of developmental stress sensitization. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 124, 68-79. PMC4351756

Marceau, K., Laurent, H. K., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., Fisher, P. A., & Leve, L. D. (2015). Combined influences of genes, prenatal environment, cortisol, and externalizing problems, Behavior Genetics, 45, 268-282. PMC4416104

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Buchanan, R., & Fisher, P. A. (2015). Adverse consequences of school mobility for children in foster care: A prospective longitudinal study. Child Development, 86, 1210-1226. PMC4618793.

Weller, J. A., Leve, L. D., Kim, H., Bhimji, J., & Fisher, P. A. (2015). Plasticity of risky decision making among maltreated adolescents: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Development and Psychopathology, 27, 535-551. PMC4443863

Conradt, E., DeGarmo, D., Fisher, P. A., Abar, B., Lester, B. M., Lagasse, L. L., Shankaran, S., Bada, H., Bauer, C. R., Whitaker, T.M., & Hammond, J. A. (2014). The contributions of early adverse experiences and trajectories of respiratory sinus arrhythmia on the developing of neurobehavioral disinhibition among children with prenatal substance exposure. Development and Psychopathology. Advance online publication. (PubMed Central - in process)

Delker, B. C., Kim, H., & Fisher, P. A. (2014). First time's a charm: Maternal problem drinking around the birth of a child in primiparous and multiparous women at risk for child maltreatment. J. Stud. Alcohol Drugs, 75, 973-981.

Delker, B. C., Noll, L. K., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2014). Maternal abuse history and self-regulation difficulties in preadolescence. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Dozier, M. & Fisher, P. A. (2014). Neuroscience enhanced child maltreatment interventions to improve outcomes. The biological embedding of child abuse and neglect: Implications for policy and practice, 28(1). Retrieved from

Eli, K., Howell, K. R., Fisher, P. A., & Nowicka, P. (2014). When does obesity become a problem? Parents and grandparents discuss preschooler’ body weights. PLOS ONE, 9(11), e111974. doi: 10.1371 journal.pone.0111974

Eli, K., Howell, K. R., Fisher, P. A., & Nowicka, P. (2014). ‘Those comments last forever’: Parents and grandparents of preschoolers recount how they became aware of their own body weights as children. PLOS ONE, 9(11), 1-7. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0111974.

Ellis, H.B., Alisic, E., Reiss, A., Dishion, T., & Fisher, P.A. (2014). Emotion regulation among preschoolers on a continuum of risk: The role of maternal emotion coaching. Journal of Child and Family Studies. Page 5

Gilliam, K.S. & Fisher, P.A. (2014). Multidimensional treatment foster care for preschoolers: A program for maltreated children in the child welfare system. In A. Urquiza & S. Timmer (Eds.), Evidence- based approaches for the treatment of maltreated children, 145-162. New York, NY: Springer.

Laurent, H. K., Gilliam, K. S., Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A. (2014). HPA stability for children in foster care: Mental health implications and moderation by early intervention. Developmental Psychobiology, 56(6), 1406-1415. 10.1002/dev.21226.

Laurent, H. K., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Fisher, P. A., & Reiss, D. (2014). Stress system development from age 4.5 to 6: Family environment predictors and adjustment implications of HPA stability vs. change. Developmental Psychobiology, 340-354. 10.1002/dev.21103. PMC3883974

Pears, K. C., Healey, C. V., Fisher, P. A., Braun, D., Gill, C., Conte, H. M., Newman, J., & Ticer, S. (2014). Immediate effects of a program to promote school readiness in low-income children: Results of a pilot study. Education and Treatment of Children, 37(3), 431-460. doi: 10.1353/etc.2014.0021

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Healey, C., Yoerger, K., & Fisher, P. A. (2014). Improving child self-regulation and parenting in families of pre-kindergarten children with developmental disabilities and behavioral difficulties. Prevention Science. Advance online publication. (PubMed Central - in process) R324A080026

Roos, L. E., Pears, K., Bruce, J., Kim, H., & Fisher, P. (2014). Impulsivity and the association between the feedback-related negativity and performance on an inhibitory control task in young at-risk children. Psychophysiology. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12389

Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A., Graham, A. M., Moore, W. E., III, Peake, S. J., & Mannering, A. M. (2013). Patterns of brain activation in foster children and nonmaltreated children during an inhibitory control task. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 931-941. PMC3831359

Bruce, J., Gunnar, M. R., Pears, K. C., & Fisher, P. A. (2013). Early adverse care, stress neurobiology, and prevention science: Lessons learned. Prevention Science, 14, 247-256. PMC3633628

DeGarmo, D. S., Reid, J. B., Fetrow, B. A., Fisher, P. A., & Antoine, K. D. (2013). Preventing child behavior problems and substance use: The pathways home foster care reunification intervention. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 22, 388-406. PMC3727288

Fisher, P. A., Mannering, A. M., Van Scoyoc, A., & Graham, A. M. (2013). A translational neuroscience perspective on the importance of reducing placement instability among foster children. Child Welfare, 92, 9-36. PMC4396742

*Graham, A.M., Fisher, P.A., & Pfeifer, J.H. (2013). What Sleeping Babies Hear: An fMRI Study of Interparental Conflict and Infants’ Emotion Processing. Psychological Science, 24, 782-789. PMC3674876

*Healey, C. V., Fisher, P. A., van Scoyoc, A., & Relling, A. M. (2013). Family-based interventions for children with prenatal substance exposure. In N. E. Suchman, M. Pajulo, & L. C. Mayes (Eds.), Parenting and Substance Abuse: Approaches to Intervention (pp. 487-513). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Laurent, H. K., Leve, L. D., Neiderhiser, J. M., Natsuaki, M. N., Shaw, D. S., Fisher, P. A., Marceau, K., Harold, G. T., & Reiss, D. (2013). Effects of parental depressive symptoms on child adjustment moderated by Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal: Within- and between-family risk. Child Development, 84, 528-542. PMC3532571

Lengua, L. J., Zalewski, M., Fisher, P. A., & Moran, L. (2013). Does HPA-axis dysregulation account for the effects of income on effortful control and adjustment in preschool children? Infant and Child Development, 22, 439-458. (PubMed Central – in process)

Marceau, K., Ram, N., Laurent, H. K., Leslie, L. D., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Fisher, P. A., Natsuaki, M. & Neiderhiser, J. M. (2013). Disentangling the effects of genetic, prenatal, and parenting influences on children’s cortisol. Stress, 16, 607-615. PMC3928628

*Martin, C. G., Kim, H. K., Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A. (2013). Child diurnal cortisol rhythms, parenting quality, and externalizing behaviors in preadolescence. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 40, 1708-180. PMC4230937

Pears, K. C., Fisher, P. A., Kim, H. K., Bruce, J., Healey, C. V., & Yoerger, K. (2013). Immediate effects of a school readiness intervention for children in foster care. Early Education and Development, 24, 771-791. PMC3760738

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Capaldi, D. M., Kerr, D. C. R., & Fisher, P. A. (2013). Father-child transmission of school adjustment: A prospective intergenerational study. Developmental Psychology, 49, 792-803. PMC3440525

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2013). Early school engagement and late elementary outcomes for maltreated children in foster care. Developmental Psychology, 49, 2201-2211. PMC3735813

Shonkoff, J. P. & Fisher, P.A. (2013). Rethinking evidence-based practice and two-generation programs to create the future of early childhood policy. Development and Psychopathology, 25, 1635-1653. (PubMed Central – in progress).

Weller, J. A., & Fisher, P. A. (2013). Decision-making deficits among maltreated children. Child Maltreatment, 18, 184-194. PMC3737421

Berkman, E. T., Graham, A. M., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Training self-control: A domain-general translational neuroscience approach. Child Development Perspectives, 6, 374-384. PMC3722070

*Bryck, R. L., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Training the brain: Practical applications of neural plasticity from the intersection of neuroscience, developmental psychology, and prevention science. American Psychologist, 67, 87–100. PMC3335430

Fisher, P. A. & Gilliam, K. S. (2012). Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care; An Alternative to Residential Treatment to High Risk Children and Adolescents. Psychosocial Intervention, 21, 195-203

Fisher. P. A. & Gilliam, K. S. (2012). Research into theory into practice: An overview of family based interventions for child antisocial behavior developed at the Oregon Social Learning Center. Clinica y Salud, 23, 547-259.

Gaias, L. M., Räikkönen, K., Komsi, N., Gartstein, M. A., Fisher, P. A., & Putnam, S. P. (2012). Cross-cultural temperamental differences in Infants, children, and adults in the United States of America and Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, 119-128. PMC3310888

*Graham, A. M., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Partner aggression in high-risk families from birth to age 3: Associations with harsh parenting and child maladjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 105-114. PMC3380639

*Graham, A. M., Yockelson, M. B., Kim, H. K., Bruce, J., Pears, K. C., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Effects of maltreatment and early intervention on diurnal cortisol across the start of school: A pilot study. Child Abuse and Neglect, 36, 666-670. PMC3445788

Kim, H. K., Pears, K. C., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). The placement history chart: A tool for understanding the longitudinal pattern of foster children’s placements. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 1459-1464. PMC3384694

Lester, B. M., Lin, H., Degarmo, D. S., Fisher, P. A., LaGasse, L. L., Levine, T. P., Shankaran, S., Bada, H. S., Bauer, C. R., Hammond, J. A., Whitaker, T. M., & Higgins, R. D. (2012). Neurobehavioral disinhibition predicts initiation of substance use in children with prenatal cocaine exposure. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 126, 80-86. PMC3439586

Leve, L. D., Harold, G. T., Chamberlain, P., Landsverk, J. A., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Children in foster care: Vulnerabilities and evidence-based interventions that promote resilience processes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 53, 1197-1211. PMC3505234

*Martin, C. G., Bruce, J., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Racial and ethnic differences in diurnal cortisol rhythms in preadolescents: The role of parental psychosocial risk and monitoring. Hormones and Behavior, 61, 661-668. PMC3419379

*Martin, C. G., Fisher, P. A., & Kim, H. K. (2012). Risk for maternal harsh parenting in high-risk families from birth to age three: Does ethnicity matter? Prevention Science, 13, 64-74. (PubMed Central – in process)

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2012). Effects of a school readiness intervention for children in foster care on oppositional and aggressive behaviors in kindergarten. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 2361-2366. PMC3661284

*Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Fisher, P., Trancik, A., Bush, N. R., & Meltzoff, A. (2012). Poverty and single parenting: Relations with preschoolers’ cortisol and effortful control. Infant and Child Development, 21, 537-554. (PubMed Central – in process)

*Zalewski, M., Lengua, L. J., Kiff, C. J., Fisher, P. A. (2012). Understanding the relation of low income to HPA-axis functioning in preschool children: cumulative family adversity and parenting as pathways to disruptions in cortisol. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 43, 924-942. PMC3621874

Fisher, P. A., Bruce, J., Abdullev, Y., Mannering, A. M., & Pears, K. C. (2011). The effects of early adversity on the development of inhibitory control: Implications for the design of preventive interventions and the potential recovery of function. In M. T. Bardo, D. H. Fishbein, & R. Milich (Eds.), Inhibitory control and abuse prevention: From research to translation (pp. 229–247). New York, NY: Springer.

Fisher, P. A., Kim, H. K., Bruce, J., & Pears, K. C. (2011). Cumulative effects of prenatal substance exposure and early adversity on foster children’s HPA axis reactivity during a psychosocial stressor. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 36, 29–35. PMC3433063

Fisher, P. A., Lester, B. M., DeGarmo, D. S., LaGasse, L. L., Lin, H., Shankaran, S., Bada, H. S., Bauer, C. R., Hammond, J., Whitaker, T., & Higgins, R. (2011). The combined effects of prenatal drug exposure and early adversity on neurobehavioral disinhibition in childhood and adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 23, 777–788. PMC3335443

Fisher, P. A., & Pfeifer, J. H. (2011). Conceptual and methodological issues in neuroimaging studies of the effects of child maltreatment. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 165, 1133–1134. PMCID3335393

Fisher, P. A., Stoolmiller, M., Mannering, A. M., Takahashi, A., & Chamberlain, P. (2011). Foster placement disruptions associated with problem behavior: Mitigating a threshold effect. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 79, 481–487. PMC3334279

Fisher, P. A., Van Ryzin, M. J., & Gunnar, M. R. (2011). Mitigating HPA axis dysregulation associated with placement changes in foster care. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 531–539. PMC3610565

*Healey C. V., & Fisher, P. A. (2011). Young children in foster care and the development of favorable outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1822–1830. PMC3188952

*Heywood, C. V., Fisher, P. A., & Tang, Y.-Y. (2011). Mindfulness training: A promising approach for addressing the needs of child welfare. In J. A. Jaworski (Ed.), Advances in sociology research (Vol. 8, pp. 1-29). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

*Hulette, A. C., Freyd, J. J., & Fisher, P. A. (2011). Dissociation in middle childhood among foster children with early maltreatment experiences. Child Abuse and Neglect, 35, 123–126. PMC3073131

*Nowicka, P., Savoye, M., & Fisher, P. A. (2011). Which psychological method is most effective for group treatment? International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6(S1), 70–73. (PubMed Central – in process)

Pears, K. C., Heywood, C. V., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2011). Prereading deficits in children in foster care. School Psychology Review, 40, 140–148. PMC3159895

Fisher, P. A., & Gunnar, M. R. (2010). Early life stress as a risk factor for disease in adulthood. In E. Vermetten, R. Lanius, & C. Pain (Eds.), The impact of early life trauma on health and disease: The hidden epidemic (pp. 143–152). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Kim, H. K., Pears, K. C., Fisher, P. A., Connelly, C. D., & Landsverk, J. A. (2010). Trajectories of maternal harsh parenting in the first 3 years of life. Child Abuse and Neglect, 34, 897–906. PMC2993830

Oosterman, M., de Schipper, C., Fisher, P. A., Dozier, M., & Schuengel, C. (2010). Autonomic reactivity in relation to early adversity and attachment among foster children. Development and Psychopathology, 22, 109–118. PMC286572

Pears, K. C., Bruce, J., & Fisher, P. A. (2010). Neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral consequences of child maltreatment. In R. D. Nass & Y. Frank (Eds.), Cognitive and behavioral manifestations of pediatric diseases (pp. 635–646). New York: Oxford University Press.

Pears, K. C., Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A., & Kim, H. K. (2010). Indiscriminate friendliness in maltreated foster children. Child Maltreatment, 15, 64–75. PMC2810349

Pears, K. C., Fisher, P. A., Bruce, J., Kim, H. K., & Yoerger, K. (2010). Early elementary school adjustment of maltreated children in foster care: The roles of inhibitory control and caregiver involvement. Child Development, 81, 1550-1564. PMC2941223

*Tininenko, J. R., Fisher, P. A., Bruce, J., & Pears, K. C. (2010). Associations between sleep and inattentive/hyperactive problem behavior among foster and community children. Journal of the Developmental and Behavioral Pediatric, 31, 668-674. PMC3467199

*Tininenko, J. R., Fisher, P. A., Bruce, J., & Pears, K. C. (2010). Sleep disruption in young foster children. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 41, 409–424. PMC2864401

*Bruce, J., Martin McDermott, J. N., Fisher, P. A., & Fox, N. A. (2009). Using behavioral and electrophysiological measures to assess the effects of a preventive intervention: A preliminary study with preschool-aged foster children. Prevention Science, 10, 129–140. PMC2670355

Fisher, P. A., Chamberlain, P., & Leve, L. D. (2009). Care matters: Improving the lives of foster children through evidence-based interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 4, 122–127. PMC2853965

Fisher, P. A., Kim, H. K., & Pears, K. C. (2009). Effects of Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care for Preschoolers (MTFC-P) on reducing permanent placement failures among children with placement instability. Child and Youth Services Review, 31, 541–546. PMC2678807

Fisher, P. A., & Stormshak, E. A. (2009). Caregiver-mediated interventions for children and families. In M. Gelder, J. Lopez-Ibor, & N. Andreasen (Eds.), New Oxford textbook of psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 1787–1793). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2009). Maltreatment and depression. In R. E. Ingram (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of depression. (pp. 368–370). New York: Springer.

Leve, L. D., Fisher, P. A., & Chamberlain, P. (2009). Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care as a preventive interventions to promote resiliency among youth in the child welfare system. Journal of Personality, 77, 1869–1902. PMC2787781

Barth, R. P., Weigensberg, E. C., Fisher, P. A., Fetrow, R. A., & Green, R. L. (2008). Reentry of elementary age children following reunification from foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 30, 353–364. PMC3134969

*Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A., Pears, K. C., & Levine, S. (2008). Morning cortisol levels in preschool-aged foster children: Differential effects of maltreatment type. Developmental Psychobiology, 51, 14–23. PMC2644049

Fisher, P. A. (2008). Use of neurobiological measures in research involving foster children. In H. Ward & E. Bachelor (Eds.), Care matters: Transforming lives–improving outcomes (pp. 111–115). Leicestershire, UK: Center for Child and Family Research, Loughborough University.

Fisher, P. A., & Stoolmiller, M. (2008). Intervention effects on foster parent stress: Associations with child cortisol levels. Development and Psychopathology, 20, 1003–1021.PMC3668550

*Hulette, A. C., Fisher, P. A., Kim, H. K., Ganger, W., & Landsverk, J. L. (2008). Dissociation in foster preschoolers: A replication and assessment study. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 9, 173–190. (PubMed Central – in process)

*Hulette, A. C., Freyd, J. J., Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., Fisher, P. A., & Becker-Blease, K. A. (2008). Dissociation and post-traumatic symptomatology in maltreated preschool children. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 1, 93–108. (PubMed Central – in process)

Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2008). Psychosocial and cognitive functioning of children with specific profiles of maltreatment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 32, 958–971. PMC2586616

*Smith, D. K., & Fisher, P. A. (in press). Impact of trauma on family systems. In G. Reyes, J. Elhai, & J. Ford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of trauma (pp. 277-278). New York: John Wiley.

Antoine, K., & Fisher, P. A. (2006). Preparing foster children for school. Education Digest, 71(7), 61–63.

Chamberlain, P., Price, J. M., Reid, J. B., Landsverk, J., Fisher, P. A., & Stoolmiller, M. (2006). Who disrupts from placement in foster and kinship care? Child Abuse and Neglect, 30, 409–424.

Fisher, P. A., Burraston, B., & Pears, K. (2006). Permanency in foster care: Conceptual and methodological issues. Child Maltreatment, 11, 92–94.

Fisher, P. A., Gunnar, M. R., Dozier, M., Bruce, J., & Pears, K. C. (2006). Effects of a therapeutic intervention for foster children on behavior problems, caregiver attachment, and stress regulatory neural systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1094, 215–225.

Gunnar, M. R., Fisher, P. A., & the Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network. (2006). Bringing basic research on early experience and stress neurobiology to bear on preventive intervention research on neglected and maltreated children. Development and Psychopathology, 18, 651–677.

*Miller, K., Fisher, P. A., Fetrow, B., & Jordan, K. (2006). Trouble on the journey home: Reunification failures in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 28, 260–274.

*Stock, C. D., & Fisher, P. A. (2006). Language delays among foster children: Implications for policy and practice. Child Welfare Journal, 85, 445–461.

Antoine, K., & Fisher, P. A. (2006). Preparing foster children for school. Education Digest, 71(7), 61–63.

Chamberlain, P., Price, J. M., Reid, J. B., Landsverk, J., Fisher, P. A., & Stoolmiller, M. (2006). Who disrupts from placement in foster and kinship care? Child Abuse and Neglect, 30, 409–424.

Fisher, P. A., Burraston, B., & Pears, K. (2006). Permanency in foster care: Conceptual and methodological issues. Child Maltreatment, 11, 92–94.

Fisher, P. A., Gunnar, M. R., Dozier, M., Bruce, J., & Pears, K. C. (2006). Effects of a therapeutic intervention for foster children on behavior problems, caregiver attachment, and stress regulatory neural systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1094, 215–225.

Gunnar, M. R., Fisher, P. A., & the Early Experience, Stress, and Prevention Network. (2006). Bringing basic research on early experience and stress neurobiology to bear on preventive intervention research on neglected and maltreated children. Development and Psychopathology, 18, 651–677.

*Miller, K., Fisher, P. A., Fetrow, B., & Jordan, K. (2006). Trouble on the journey home: Reunification failures in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review, 28, 260–274.

*Stock, C. D., & Fisher, P. A. (2006). Language delays among foster children: Implications for policy and practice. Child Welfare Journal85, 445–461.

Antoine, K., & Fisher, P. A. (2005). Meeting the educational, emotional, and psychological needs of preschool-aged foster children. Principal, November/December, 36–40.

Fisher, P. A., & Ball, T. J. (2005). Balancing empiricism and local cultural knowledge in the design of prevention research. Journal of Urban Health, 82(2, Suppl. 3), 44–55.

Fisher, P. A., Burraston, B., & Pears, K. (2005). The Early Intervention Foster Care Program: Permanent placement outcomes from a randomized trial. Child Maltreatment, 10, 61–71.

Pears, K., & Fisher, P. A. (2005). Developmental, cognitive, and neuropsychological functioning in preschool-aged foster children: Associations with prior maltreatment and placement history. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 26, 112–122.

Pears, K. C., & Fisher, P. A. (2005). Emotion understanding and theory of mind among maltreated children in foster care: Evidence of deficits. Development and Psychopathology, 17, 47–65.

Compton, W. M., Shurtleff, D., Fisher, P. A., & Heather, N. (2004). Linking basic and applied research: Finding new solutions through multidisciplinary drug abuse research. In W. L. Dewey (Ed.), Problems of Drug Dependence, 2003: Proceedings of the 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Inc. (NIH Publication No. 04-5492. pp. 34–39). Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health.

*Ellis, B. H., Fisher, P. A., & Zaharie, M. S. (2004). Predictors of disruptive behavior, developmental delays, anxiety, and affective symptomatology among institutionally reared Romanian children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 43, 1283–1292.

Chamberlain, P., & Fisher, P. A. (2003). An application of MTFC for early intervention. In P. Chamberlain (Ed.), Treating chronic juvenile offenders: Advances made through the Oregon MTFC model (pp. 129–140). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Chamberlain, P., & Fisher, P. A. (2003). Some challenges of implementing science-based interventions in the “real world.” In P. Chamberlain (Ed.), Treating chronic juvenile offenders: Advances made through the Oregon MTFC model (pp. 141–149). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Fisher, P. A. (2003). The prevention of antisocial behavior: Beyond efficacy and effectiveness. In A. Biglan, M. C. Wang, & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Preventing youth problems (pp. 5–31). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Fisher, P. A. & Ball, T. J. (2003). Tribal participatory research: Mechanisms of a collaborative model. American Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 207–216.

Fisher, P. A., Leve, L. D., O’Leary, C. C., & Leve, C. (2003). Parental monitoring of children’s behavior: Variation across stepmother, stepfather, and two-parent biological families. Family Relations: Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, 52, 45–52.

Chamberlain, P., Fisher, P. A., & Moore, K. J. (2002). Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care: Applications of the OSLC intervention model to high-risk youth and their families. In J. B. Reid, G. R. Patterson, & J. Snyder (Eds.), Antisocial behavior in children and adolescents: A developmental analysis and model for intervention (pp. 203–218). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Dozier, M., Albus, K., Fisher, P. A., & Sepulveda, S. (2002). Interventions for foster parents: Implications for developmental theory. Development and Psychopathology, 14, 843–860.

Eddy, J. M., Martinez, C., Morgan-Lopez, A., Fisher, P. A., & Smith, P. (2002). Diversifying the Ranks of Prevention Scientists: Through A Community Collaborative Approach to Education. Prevention and Treatment, 5, Article 3. Retrieved January 22, 2002, from prevention/volume5/toc-jan15-02.htm

Fisher, P. A., Ball, T. J. (2002). The Indian Family Wellness Project: An application of the tribal participatory research model. Prevention Science, 3, 235–240.

Leve, L. D., Pears, K. C., & Fisher, P. A. (2002). Competence in early development. In J. B. Reid, G. R. Patterson, & J. Snyder (Eds.), Antisocial behavior in children and adolescents: A developmental analysis and model for intervention (pp. 45–64). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Patterson, G. R. & Fisher, P. A. (2002). Recent developments in our understanding of parenting: Bi-directional effects, causal models, and the search for parsimony. In M. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of parenting: Vol. 5 Practical and applied parenting (2nd ed., pp. 59–88). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Rothbart, M. K., Ahadi, S. A., Hershey, K. L., & Fisher, P. A. (2001). Investigations of temperament at 3–7 years: The Children’s Behavior Questionnaire. Child Development, 72, 1394–1408.

Fisher, P. A., & Chamberlain, P. (2000). Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care: A program for intensive parent training, family support, and skill building. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 8, 155–164. [Also appears in H. M. Walker & M. H. Epstein (Eds.), Making schools safer and violence free: Critical issues, solutions, and recommended practices. A compilation of articles from Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (pp. 140–149). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.]

Fisher, P. A., Gunnar, M. R., Chamberlain, P., & Reid, J. B. (2000). Preventive intervention for maltreated preschoolers: Impact on children’s behavior, neuroendocrine activity, and foster parent functioning. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 39, 1356–1364.

Fisher, P. A., & Stormshak, E. R. (2000). Interventions for parents and families: A developmental psychopathology perspective. In M. Gelder, J. Lopez-Ibor, & N. Andreasen (Eds.), The new Oxford textbook of psychiatry (pp. 1899–1904). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Fisher, P. A., Ellis, B. H., & Chamberlain, P. (1999). Early intervention foster care: A model for preventing risk in young children who have been maltreated. Children’s Services: Social Policy, Research, and Practice, 2, 159–182.

Fisher, P. A., Storck, M., & Bacon, J. G. (1999). In the eye of the beholder: Risk and protective factors in rural American Indian and Caucasian adolescents. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 69, 294–304.

Speltz, M. L., DeKlyen, M., Calderon, R., Greenberg, M., & Fisher, P. A. (1999). Neuropsychological characteristics and test behavior of boys with early onset conduct problems. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 108, 315–325.

Fisher, P. A., Bacon, J. G., & Stork, M. (1998). Teacher, parent, and youth report of problem behaviors among rural American Indian and White adolescents. American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research, 8, 1–24.

Fisher, P. A., Fagot, B. I., & Leve, C. L. (1998). Assessment of family stress across low-, medium-, and high-risk samples using the Family Events Checklist. Family Relations, 47, 215–219.

Chamberlain, P., Reid, J. B., Ray, J., Capaldi, D., & Fisher, P. A. (1997). Parent Inadequate Discipline (PID). In P. A. Widiger (Ed), DSM-IV Sourcebook (Vol. 3, 569–629). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Ford, J. R., Fisher, P. A., & Larson, L. (1997). Object relations as a predictor of treatment outcome with chronic PTSD. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 547–559.

Speltz, M. L., Endriga, M. C., Fisher, P. A., & Mason, C. A. (1997). Early predictors of attachment in infants with cleft lip and/or palate. Child Development, 68, 12–25.

Fisher, P. A., & Fagot, B. I. (1996). Development of consensus about child oppositional behavior: Increased convergence with entry into school. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 17, 519–534.

Wright, J. C., Zakriski, A. L., & Fisher, P. A. (1996). Age differences in the correlates of perceived status. Social Development, 5, 24–40.

Fisher, P. A., & Fagot, B. I. (1993). Negative discipline in traditional families: A multidimensional risk model. Journal of Family Psychology, 7, 250–254.